Can't believe the program is going to be over in a few weeks! It's unbelievable how fast this program has come to a close! The shelf exam is finally over and now it's time to focus on med school apps and the MCAT!
Volunteering at Children's Hospital has been great, over the year I've gotten more experience with working with staff and interacting with children. Interacting with the patients has been a really rewarding experience and I'm so happy that I was able to work for such an amazing organization! As the weeks go on, I've been able to do more for the physicians and nurses involving everything from taking patients details to answering the phone to discharging patients. I can only hope that my time as a volunteer will only equip me more with the tools to be a doctor!
Aside from volunteering, it's been really enjoyable to spend time with people in the program! We had a BMS crawfish boil and was able to bond with my friends in the program! Moreover I was able to get to know professors on a deeper level beyond the program!
I'm really going to miss the program once it's over! But I'm so thankful for the friends I've made through the program!
Total: 25